“This compilation highlights recordings of local guitar bands in three areas of modern day Senegal and Mali. These bands are almost unknown outside of their homes but have a devoted local following. They play all events, celebratory or political. Their songs are folk anthems, hummed under the breath and chanted by children, traded by cassette and transferred by cellphone. The guitar bands are the pride of their towns.”
Lo-fi recordings consisting of sparse guitar rhythms, entrancing vocals and the occasional beat tapped on a guitar. in the background there's cars starting, kids playing and people chatting. the whole record just brings you right there. 'Zinezju Meghdem' delivers a drony introduction, but the album really kicks off at 'Hommage a Ali Farka Toure'. highly recommended.
stream, buy or download the album here:
or www.mediafire.com/?xyhirxhwdmens2w
and check out their disclaimer:
"I fully support free music and the realism of digital availability. If you wish to download this album for free, please download it, as it shouldn't be difficult to find. But it's also available for those who wish to support the musicians and their work: 15% to Bandcamp, 50% to the artists....so buy it for $2 or $20!